Choose Color Projection Alarm Clock For Pleasure Sleep


For being a successful person, one needs time management for ensuring the best use of their skills. The clock is the instrument that allows the individual to work according to the time. With the advancement of the technology oldest inventions of clocks have changed tremendously. Earlier the alarm clocks come with the simple function to alert the individual regarding the time. Nowadays, alarm clocks come with advanced features provide the pleasure of working with the individual. Are you searching for the alarm clock to manage busy schedules?  You can find Color Projection Alarm Clock at the

best wake up light

You’ll be surprised by the features provided by this alarm clock to ease the life of an individual. This alarm clock has the embedded LCD backlight, AC adaptor and outdoor sensors to provide the best display of the temperature and calendar along with the time.

Various features provided by this alarm clock are:

  • Provides different color displays according to your mood
  • Shows the in/out temperature with the advanced arrow indication.
  • Provides facility to alter the backlight settings.
  • Provide battery indicator for ensuring the continuous functioning of the alarm clock
  • Provides 12/24 time and alarm settings
  • Able to automatically save the updates according to the time.

One should a buy a standard alarm clock for the proper management of time to achieve success in life. However, people are more addicted to their phones for checking the time updates or setting the alarms. But this habit is unhealthy for the individual as they start looking at the different other application available on the phone rather than effectively following the time schedule. So, one should buy alarm clocks for effective time management.

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Tips to Avoid Jet Lag

Flying across several time zones in a matter of hours can certainly throw your body’s natural clock out of sync because you are moving faster than your body can adjust. Commonly when you travel across more than two time zones and arrive, you can have trouble falling asleep when you need to and wake up earlier than you want to. In short, you are jet lagged.

Sleep problems tend to be more common when people travel eastward because it’s harder to advance your sleep time than to delay it. But no matter where you fly, you can take a few steps to avoid jet lag.
Your best bet is to adapt yourself to the routine of your destination’s time zone as soon as possible. Try these tips to avoid sleep problems when you travel:
  • Several days before your trip, gradually adjust your sleeping habits to the time zone of your destination.
  • As soon as you board your flight, reset your watch for the new time zone.
  • If you are taking an overnight flight and arrive in the morning, try to get several hours of sleep on the plane.  However, if you will be arriving in the afternoon or evening, try not to sleep too much or take naps so that you can be tired enough to sleep at night.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration makes it harder for your body to adjust to the new rhythm.
  • If you feel the need to nap right after you arrive, limit it to 2 hours.
  • Daylight can help reset your internal clock. Try getting some exercise outdoors, like a brisk walk, as soon as you get up in the morning. And if you are tired in the early evening, try to get some fresh air and enjoy a lively atmosphere.
  • Try to keep yourself busy and engaged with other people. If you are arriving during the day or early evening, push yourself to enjoy some sightseeing until it is closer to a traditional bedtime.
Practice good sleep habits while you’re away.

Best Wake Up Light Alarm Clock For Refreshed And Motivated Routines

Slamming the snooze button over and over again is one of the crummiest ways to wake early in morning.  Humans have been awakening according to sunrise from millennia. Even if one is not getting up at sunrise, exposure to light has a positive impact on the body by lowering melanin level. Body starts producing serotonin and reduces the production of melanin. Melanin is the chemical responsible for making one feel exhausted and relaxed in bed. The invention of an alarm clock with wake light has made users able to artificially trigger their natural waking process. Best wake up light alarm clock is able to offer the pleasant awakening experience, just like that of sunlight.  The warm glow of wake up light is able to ease the process of awakening along with ensured peace of mind.

Best Wake Up Light Alarm Clock For Refreshed And Motivated Routines

When one falls asleep, they experience rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and Non-REM sleep. These cycles of sleep repeat themselves on regular duration. Harsh noise of traditional alarm clocks usually distresses the body of an individual. Wake up light is able to modify the process of awakening, and make one feel energized and productive towards the start of a day. Wake up light alarm clock start projecting light before the set alarm time. Light gradually increases as the time of alarm is approaching and reach its peak at the set alarm time.

Gradual light of alarm clock combined with the effect of natural sounds endows with pleasant awakening experience. Alarm clock with wireless speakers allows users to spottily their favorite music in the morning, as they wake up from sleep. Implement small changes in your routine to build quality sleep habits.  Use these advanced alarm clocks to wake up more refreshed and aggravated.

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4 Alarm Clocks Smart Enough to Actually Get You Out of Bed

These innovative digital alarm clocks offer novel ways to rise and shine. Electric shock, anyone?


1. Kello

Instead of screaming you out of bed, this toaster-sized alarm tunes your body clock with sleep-training modes designed to wake you earlier each day or help you recover from jet lag. It can also limit how many times a week you’re allowed to hit snooze and can help you nod off faster by relaxing you with guided breathing exercises. When out of the sack, use Kello to stream music from services like Spotify. $149,


2. Pavlok

If you have an overcrowded nightstand, consider this wearable wristband. Programmed via its smartphone app, it beeps or vibrates to wake you—and then ruthlessly zaps you with an electric shock if you don’t rise in time. An advanced version can be set to shock you for other vices, like biting your nails, smoking or wasting time online. From $128,


3. Beddi

This showoff digital alarm clock works with your other smart-home devices to control lights, music, even your coffee maker with the push of a button. Beddi can be set to slowly dim your bulbs at night as you drift off, and simulate a sunrise to help you wake naturally. It can also connect to a variety of smartphone apps—and even call you (or a guest) an Uber in the morning. $99,


4. Ruggie

This battery-powered rug ensures that you actually get out of bed. The Ruggie wakes you with blasts of sound between 90 and 120 decibels, comparable to the volume of a blender; to mute it, however, you must stand with your full weight on its soft fleece surface for a set time, up to 30 seconds. Once you’re up, it obligingly streams tunes from your smartphone to overcome your resentment and ingratiate itself with you again. $69,


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The Lighting in A Room Can Affect Your Emotions

According to a study from the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the lighting, and its intensity, in a room can affect a person’s emotions both positively or negatively. It falls along the same theories that people are more cheerful on sunny days and become sullen or crave caffeine when the weather outside is gloomy. While we can’t control nature and the sun’s patterns, we can modify the lighting in our homes to create a more positive environment.

In brighter lighting, people tend to have more intense emotions – for the positive or negative. The bright white lighting itself didn’t have an impact on the person’s attitude but their reactions were more intense and vibrant. It is predicted that bright light is often associated with heat so the bright lights might be triggering a person’s hot emotional system.

Soft warm lighting can remind someone of candles which is why it is recommended for creating a romantic atmosphere. To warm the room and relax the mood, try soft filtered light effects or stylish nostalgic light bulbs. Adding a sheer fabric over bright lights can also be helpful in softening the lighting when you don’t have the options of changing the bulbs.


Another option is colored lighting. Chromotherapy is an alternative medicine method using different colors of light. Light in the form of color can be used to balance the emotional, spiritual, and mental energy of humans. Orange has alleged functions of emotions and sexuality, Green functions love and responsibility, and Blue functions physical and spiritual communication energies. Several of WITTI’s products including the BEDDI Glow, the original BEDDI and the NOTTI all feature coloring changing LEDs which can be set to balance the mood that you’re in.

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Top 5 Tech Gifts for Valentine’s Day


Still looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for the lucky one? Here are 5 amazing little gifts that could use everyday and make her/him feel your love everyday.


Source: polaroid, brookstone

1. Mobile photo printer.

You likely take selfies with your loved one all the time but they become trapped in your camera’s gallery or deleted over time to make room in your memory. A mobile photo printer like the Polaroid Zip Mobile Photo Printer I small enough to fit in a handbag and is ready to print photos directly from your phone in an instant.

2. Cordless Shiatsu Neck & Back Massager.

Everyone loves receiving a massage but for when you’re apart, the cordless neck & back massager from Brookstone will be available to hit the spot to relax sore muscles and shoulders.


Source: WITTI Design

3. CANDI Wireless Charging Station.

How about giving your sweet some candi that will give them a boost instead of cavities. The new CANDI wireless charging station is available in pastel pink, brilliant blue, or sleek black to wirelessly charge iPhone 8 / 8 Plus and iPhone X, Samsung S8, S8 Plus, S7, S7 Edge, S6 Edge+, Note 5 and any Qi-enabled smartphones and mobile devices.


Source: I-Blades, ZOS

4. I-BLADES modular phone case.

For those who hate running out of juice or memory on their phones, the new i-BLADES modular phone case not only protects your loved one’s phone, it alerts them if the surrounding air quality is harmful, recharges the phone, and adds extra memory with the modular smartblades.

5. ZOS wine preserver.

Nobody enjoys a headache from drinking too much wine. With the ZOS wine preserver, wine lovers can preserve an open bottle of wine for two months so that they can enjoy one glass at a time. It’s also perfect when pairing multiple wines with a multi-course dinner on Valentine’s Day.

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Another Successful CES

Blog_cover_201801_CES_1024x1024January is much more than the start of a new year for us at WITTI. It marks the excitement and craziness of the annual International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas – more commonly known as CES. We had a fantastic show and received a phenomenal interest in our upcoming products. We have many new items in the works and wanted to share a preview with you.


Now available – the CANDI wireless charging station. We weren’t excited by the average wireless charging devices on the market because the device always lays flat and isn’t easily accessible or viewable while charging. So, we created the CANDI to be most colorful stand–up wireless charger you’ll find. It’s currently available in pink, teal and black and we would love to hear what colors you would like to see in the future.


Spring will be a busy time for WITTI as we plan to launch four new products.

The BEDDI Glow will be upgraded to the BEDDI Glow SE with easier to use labeled smart buttons, ability to set the alarm directly on the BEDDI Glow SE, battery back-up in case you lose power, and USB ports on the top for easy access.

The original BEDDI is also getting an upgrade with the BEDDI2. The BEDDI2 will include the same smart home integration, wake-up light, mood light, multiple USB charging ports, etc. The BEDDI2 also now features a clearer display, indoor temperature reading, ability to set the alarm directly on the unit, battery back-up, and a white noise generator.

The new HEXXI line will be a great way to charge your smart phone or smart watch. The hexagonal base allows multiple HEXXIs to fit together so that you can charge an Android or iPhone, an iPad and a smart watch in a sleek organized way without having to take off most cases.

The new DOZZI will be one of the most unique white noise generators you can find. The DOZZI features an actual fan that is adjustable to create the optimum white noise for your liking. Plus the DOZZI includes a nightlight and USB charging port.

We can’t wait to share these with you when we’re ready to ship. We wish everyone a fantastic 2018.

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Could your pets be affecting your sleep?



Our furry friends are a huge part of our lives, and whether you have a cat or a dog, there is a good chance that from time to time you let them sleep in your bed. A study by the American Pet Products Association found that 62% of cat owners sleep with their pets, and another 13% of cats sleep with children. The same study showed that 62% of small dogs, 41% of medium sized dogs and 32% of large dogs sleep with their owners.

But did you know that your pets could actually be affecting your sleep? Unfortunately, sleeping with your pet could be having a negative effect on your sleep quality in the following ways.

Cats are Nocturnal

Cats are naturally nocturnal animals. This dates back thousands of years before cats were domesticated, and were used to hunting at night. However our pets have inherited this trait from their ancestors. As cat owners will know, cats tend to spend a lot of the daytime sleeping, so if you plan on getting a good night’s sleep with a cat then think again. They will more than likely keep you awake walking around the bed or sitting on your face!

Cats are Territorial

Cats are also territorial animals, so if they get used to sleeping in your bed, they tend to make it their own. Your bed is no longer your bed, it’s theirs! Some cats can even get aggressive if you try to move them from their new found bed, and can hiss or scratch at you if you try to move them. You are much better off setting out ground rules from day one and keeping your cat out of the bedroom.


Dogs are Restless

Dogs can be restless in bed, and can move, kick and bark in their sleep. This is caused by the fact that dogs, like humans, enter REM (rapid eye movement) sleep phases. This is also referred to as active sleep. In fact, up to 25% of a dogs time spent sleeping is in a REM state, so don’t be surprised if you spend 25% of your time in bed with your dog awake!

Sleeping with your Pets Could Cause Illness

Sleeping with your pets could also have other implications on your wellbeing. When sleeping in such close proximity to your pet, it is very easy to pick up illnesses or infections from them, such as antibiotic-resistant infections, meningitis, ringworm, or intestinal parasites. Children are especially at risk, and could also develop respiratory illnesses from sleeping with your pets.

Some studies show kicking your pet out of the bedroom could be of benefit to your pet too. Some veterinarians believe that allowing dogs to sleep on human beds is a not a good thing, behaviourally speaking. Puppies that are more prone to issues with aggression may fully develop these behaviours when allowed to sleep with humans.

On the other side of the coin, there are some benefits from sleeping with your furry friend. It is definitely relaxing, and provides companionship and comfort, and also a feeling of safety, but if your sleep is suffering as a consequence it is time to get your pet out of the bedroom!

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Don’t Let the Holiday Spirit Hurt Your Sleep


It’s hard to sleep when you have “visions of sugar plums dancing in your head” but healthy sleep habits, while important year round, are especially important during the holiday season. You don’t want to become Scrooge dreading one-holiday gathering after another or suffer from an illness because your immune system is run down from not enough good, restful sleep.

It’s not always easy to stick to tried and true bedtime routines when you’re rushing from family gathering to family gathering and if you add in the fact that you might be traveling for the holidays and having to deal with jet lag. Here are a few issues that may arise during the holidays and ways you can cope:

Later than usual bedtimes: If you’re going to parties after dinner times, it’s likely you’ll be home later than your usual bedtime. Late nights can cause increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline making it difficult to fall asleep when you climb into bed. Even if you’re getting home later than usual, try to settle your down before you leave and spend a few extra minutes to relax your body before you hit the pillow.

Planes, trains, and automobiles: Many sleep problems that are caused by travel can be addressed if you plan before, during and after your trip for those sleep disturbances. If you’re traveling to a different time zone, start a few days before with adjusting your sleep schedule to the time zone to which you will be traveling. If you can sleep on a plane, sleeping during a red-eye flight can help you actually adjust faster when you arrive at your destination. Just make sure you push yourself the first day to adapt to the new time zone.

‘Tis the season… for stress and excitement: Holidays are so exciting to the parties, and travel and the anticipation of receiving gifts. Excitement is a form of stress that can lead to sleepless nights. You may want to alter the bedtime routine to include additional warm bath time and/or quiet reading and relaxation before turning out the lights.

So many good foods: It’s common to eat large, heavy meals during the holidays and that could lead to belly aches and sleepless nights. If possible, try to sample tiny bits of rich foods that you might not normally enjoy and indulge in more fruits and vegetables while limiting sugary drinks and desserts.

Irregular sleep schedules are the culprit when looking at holiday sleep times, but with planning and understanding you can all get through it and take time out for a good night’s sleep!

WITTI Design brings you BEDDI alarms – One of the best Spotify Alarm Clock available in the market which can be controlled via an App. It will wake you up at alarm set time peacefully and refresh your mood with sunrise simulated wake-up light.

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